An area man, who asked to remain anonymous, admitted this morning that he thinks he may have gotten a little too caught up in the romance of the holiday weekend.
“I’ve always loved romance. I love the idea of love. And… I don’t know, I was just thinking about Valentine’s Day and I guess I got a little ahead of myself.”
The unidentified hopeless romantic said he’d been dating a girl off an on for several months before V-Day.
“We’d kept things pretty casual, and I think it was working out alright for us. But I’m afraid my big romantic gesture has changed our dynamic.”
The area man’s girlfriend was thrilled with the surprise that the area man gave her. He refused to go into any detail about the surprise itself, for fear that it might identify him. But he assures us that the couple had a wonderful weekend together.
“It’s not that the romantic gesture backfired. If anything it went too well. I’m afraid that I set the bar too high. Now that I’ve done this, what will she expect for her birthday or our anniversary? What will be expected of me if I ever choose to propose? I can’t keep up this kind of thoughtfulness for years. So, I guess I will either have to break up with her or live in the shadow of her disappointment for the rest of our relationship.”
Alice says:
What the heck? Rick, did you write this “news” article? About yourself? Seriously?!? I can’t even right now. Here I am thinking we’re having the best week of our relationship and you’re secretly miserable and planning our eventual break up?
KQVR Staff says:
Alice, this is a public forum. If you “need” to have a conversation with another employee please move it to the employee chat.
Floydman says: